miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

Family Traits

Pair work. Discuss these questions. HOw much information can you give?

1. How tall are you? Are you taller than the other people in you family?
My size is 172 cm and more something I am only my sisters

2. What color are your eyes? What color is your hair?
My eyes are light green and my hair is also clear but brown color

3. Who do you take after in your family? How are you alike?
Well my brother who is less than 4 years is very similar to my

4. What does your teacher look like?
The teacher is of low height, long hair.

5. Who's got very short hair in your class? Does anyone have very long hair?
Ovidio and marcos have short hair and long hair Shermin.

6. Does anyone in the class look like someone famous?
The toño is Pirinoli

7. Are any of your friends over six feet tall? How tall is your best friend?
None of my friends is more than 7 feet tall and my best friend is 185 cm

8. Do you know any twins? Do they look alike?
I do not know anyone who's twin.

Definicion pasado continuo

The Past Continuous is made with the Past form of the verb "to be" (I was, you were, he/she/it was, we were, you were, they were) + the '-ing' form of the main verb. The '-ing' form of the verb is called the Present Participle.

   Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense
Affirmative (Positive) Form
Negative Form
Question Form
 Iwas reading I wasnot reading Was I reading?
 Youwere reading You werenot reading Were you reading?
 Hewas reading He was not reading Was he reading?
 Shewas reading She wasnot reading Was she reading?
 Itwas reading It wasnot reading Was it reading?
 Wewere reading We werenot reading Were we reading?
 Youwere reading You werenot reading Were you reading?
 Theywere reading They werenot reading Were they reading?

Contracted forms: "Wasn't reading" and "weren't reading" are the contracted forms of "was not reading" and "were notreading"

   2. Using the Past Continuous Tense.

   We use the Past Continuous Tense to say that someone was at the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation has already started before this time but hadn't finished yet:

Examples:  1. What were they doing at 10 o'clock?
       They were working at the garden.
   2. Last summer at this time he was visiting Mexico.
   3. Karen was walking to school at 8.30 this morning.
   4. They were dancing at a friend's birthday party last night at 10.30 p.m.

   The Past Continuous is also used together with the Past Simple to say that somehing happens at the middle of something else:

Examples:  1. David was reading a book in the park when suddenly it began to rain.
   2. While I was walking down the street I met an old friend.
   3. He phoned as we were leaving the house.
   4. They were playing cards when Jim came.

   We can use the Past Continuous to indicate that two actions in the past were in the progress simultaneously (with while):

Examples:  1. While I was studying in one room my older sister was having a party in the other room.
   2. While James was washing the car his wife was cleaning the house.

   The Past Continuous is used to express action that were in progress at the time of another particular time:

Examples:   1. It was snowing all morning.
   2. They were driving all night long.

   The Past Continuous is also used to talk about irritating repeated actions in the past (with alwaysconstantly):

Examples:  1. My girlfriend was always coming late.
   2. He was always forgetting to close the door.

   We use the Past Continuous to make polite inquiries:

Example:   I was wondering if you could lend me your new car for a few hours.

   Remember that we do not normally use the Past Continuous with no action verbs like seemknowfeelhearsmelltaste,hatehopemeanpreferlovelike, etc.


1. Why can't Elaine Strong answer the phone?
A. She's in a meeting.
B. She's out of the office.
C. She's talking with another customer.
2. What does caller want the secretary to send??
A. information on after-sales service
B. a picture of the newest computers
C. a list of software products
3. What time should the secretary send the material?
A. 2:30 PM
B. 3:30 PM
C. 5:00 PM
4. What is the caller's name?
A. Cordell
B. Kordel
C. Kordell
5. What is the caller's telephone number?
A. 560-1287.
B. 560-1828
C. 560-2187

Score =
Imagine that you are opening your own clothing store or some other business. What kinds of office equipment and supplies do you think you will need to run your business? How much will this equipment cost? Will you rent the equipment or buy it? Do you create a Website for your business? Discuss your ideas

Well my bike business and will need serious on this software for business and a computer, the value would be $ 1,500,000 and the only option is to buy, the website created with the best bike in the world.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Adjetivos Calificativos Fisicos

face = la cara/el rostro
facial featuresrasgos
she has a thin facetiene la/una cara delgada
an oval faceuna cara ovalada
a round faceuna cara redonda
clean-shavenbien afeitado
a bloated faceuna cara hinchada/abotagada
a cherubic faceuna cara angelical
a chubby faceuna cara regordete
a chubby/podgy faceuna cara rechoncha, regordete, gordinflona
he had a weather-beaten facetenía un rostro curtido
a face liftun lifting, un estiramiento facial
she has frecklestiene pecas, es pecosa
rosy cheeksmejillas sonrosadas
a birthmarkun antojo/una mancha de nacimiento
a double chinuna papada
hollow cheekslas mejillas hundidas
a dimpleun hoyuelo
a deadpan faceuna cara de póquer/de palo
a doleful faceuna cara compungida
a sad faceuna cara triste
a serious faceuna cara seria
a smiling faceuna cara sonriente
a happy faceuna cara alegre
to go red in the face (with anger/heat)ponerse colorado/rojo
to go red/to blush (with embarassment)sonrojarse/ruborizarse
he looks worriedparece preocupado
a smileuna sonrisa
a smirkuna sonrisita
a frownel ceño fruncido

nose = la nariz
a bulbous noseuna nariz protuberante
a hooked noseuna nariz aguileña
a big noseuna nariz grande
a turned-up/snub noseuna nariz respingona
a pointed noseuna nariz puntiaguda
a flat nose/a pug noseuna nariz chata
a lopsided noseuna nariz ladeada/torcida
a hooter/conk (colloquial Br. Eng.)
a schnozzle (colloquial Am. Eng.)
una napia
to flare your nostrils/to snortresoplar/bufar

eyes = los ojos
she has brown eyestiene los ojos marrones
hazelcolor avellana
he has beady eyestiene los ojos redondos y brillantes como cuentas
a black eyeun ojo morado
red eyesojos rojizos
bloodshot eyesojos sanguinolentos/injectados de sangre
to winkguiñar el ojo
to blinkpestañear/parpadear
she is cross-eyedes bizca
a squintuna bizquera, un estrabismo
she's blindes ciega
he's blind in one eyees tuerto
to go blindquedarse ciego
crow's feetpatas de gallo
sunken eyesojos hundidos
piggy eyesojitos redondos y brillantes
bulging eyesojos saltones
slit/slanting eyesojos achinados
a styeun orzuelo
shifty eyesojos furtivos
eyebrows = las cejas
arched eyebrowscejas arqueadas
bushy eyebrowscejas tupidas
thick eyebrowscejas pobladas
to raise your eyebrowsarquear las cejas
eyelashes = las pestañas
false eyelashespestañas postizas
hareliplabio leporino
chapped lipslabios agrietados
buckteethdientes de conejo/dientes salidos
false teethdentadura postiza
front teethpaletas/dientes de adelante
wisdom teethmuelas del juicio
to chatter (teeth)castañetear
my teeth are chatteringme castañetean los dientes

hair = el pelo/cabello
she has blond hairtiene el pelo rubio
auburncastaño rojizo
she has grey haires canosa, tiene el pelo canoso, tiene canas
mousy hairel pelo castaño desvaído
she's red-haired/red-headedes pelirrojo
a brunetteuna morena
dyed hairel pelo teñido
long hairel pelo largo
short hairel pelo corto
shoulder-length hairel pelo hasta los hombros
curly hairel pelo rizado
wavy hairel pelo ondulado
frizzy hairel pelo crespo
spiky hairel pelo de punta
she has permed hairse ha hecho un permanente
crimped hairpelo rizado con tenacillas
straight hairel pelo liso
a fringeun flequillo
a partinguna raya
a pigtailuna trenza
a ponytailuna cola
a bunun moño
lank hairel pelo lacio
dullsin brillo
greasy hairel pelo graso/grasoso
she has thick hairtiene mucho pelo/tiene el pelo grueso
shiny hairel pelo brillante
split endslas puntas abiertas
dandruffla caspa
a pageboyun peinado/corte a lo paje
a bobuna melena
a hairdoun peinado
a crew cutun pelo cortado al rape
a wiguna peluca
a toupéeun peluquín, un tupé
a bald patchuna calva/una pelada
he's baldingse está quedando calvo
build = complexión
she’s got a very good figuretiene una figura estupenda
plump (a nicer way of saying fat)gordito
a beer bellyuna panza
a hunchbackun jorobado
he walks with a limpcojea
medium heightde estatura media
medium buildde talla media
he's a large manes un hombre corpulento

General Terms
handsome, good-looking, attractiveguapo
pretty, good-looking, attractive, lovelyguapa, bonita, linda,
he’s quite a hunkestá buenísimo
beautifulpreciosa, guapísima, lindísima, hermosa, bella

Adjetivos Calificativos Psicológicos

argumentative, quarrelsomediscutidor
big-headedcreído, engreído
bitchyde mala leche, venenoso;
carelessdescuidado, poco cuidadoso
cautiousprudente, cauteloso, cauto;
conceited, full of oneselfpresumido
crazy, nutsloco, chiflado
cheerfulalegre, jovial;
dull, boringsoso, aburrido
friendlyamigable, simpático, agradable
laid-backtranquilo, relajado
lazyperezoso, vago
moodyde humor cambiante
naiveingenuo, inocentón
naughty (children)malo, travieso (niños)
de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios
de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante;
politecortés, educado
reliable: he’s a very reliable personfiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar
self-confident: to be self-confidentseguro de sí mismo: tener confianza en sí mismo
sensiblesensato, prudente;
shy - introvertedtímido, vergonzoso - introvertido
strictestricto, severo, riguroso
stubbornterco, testarudo, tozudo
sympathetic (understanding)comprensivo
talkativeconversador, hablador
trustworthydigno de confianza
weirdraro, extraño