miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

Family Traits

Pair work. Discuss these questions. HOw much information can you give?

1. How tall are you? Are you taller than the other people in you family?
My size is 172 cm and more something I am only my sisters

2. What color are your eyes? What color is your hair?
My eyes are light green and my hair is also clear but brown color

3. Who do you take after in your family? How are you alike?
Well my brother who is less than 4 years is very similar to my

4. What does your teacher look like?
The teacher is of low height, long hair.

5. Who's got very short hair in your class? Does anyone have very long hair?
Ovidio and marcos have short hair and long hair Shermin.

6. Does anyone in the class look like someone famous?
The toño is Pirinoli

7. Are any of your friends over six feet tall? How tall is your best friend?
None of my friends is more than 7 feet tall and my best friend is 185 cm

8. Do you know any twins? Do they look alike?
I do not know anyone who's twin.

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